Service Work

Philosophy Department

I served on the Chapel Hill Colloquium Committee, as a peer mentor for graduate students, as a panelist at Teacher Training Workshops, and as a host for visiting grad students and prospective grad students.

Parr Center Graduate Research Consultant

As a Parr Center Graduate Fellow, I had the opportunity to serve as the Graduate Research Consultant for a new ethics seminar, PHIL 392: Ethics Research Seminar for Undergraduates, taught by Michael Vasquez. As part of their Mentored Research Capstone, students developed an independent research project. My role as the Graduate Research Consultant was to meet with students to turn their ideas into papers. I guided them towards relevant literature, helped them organize their ideas into a strong framework for a philosophy paper, and led a class period on methods of inquiry in ethics and how those methods could be applied in an independent research project.

TA/TF Coordinator

In addition to the service work listed on my CV (which you can find here), I served as the TA/TF Coordinator for the Department for the 2022-2023 Academic Year. Part of my responsibility was hosting teaching workshops for new TA’s and TF’s to help them transition to their new roles, as well as providing ‘continuing education’ for more experienced grad student teaching fellows. Below, you can find schedules from the workshops I held.

Non-Academic Service Work

NCDCTA Competition Committee Volunteer — 2024

Special Olympics Therapeutic Riding Volunteer — 2005-2007